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Showing posts from October, 2018

Arguing on the Aristotelian proof on YouTube's comments section (and why a lot of Internet Atheists are ignorant of Classical arguments of God)

There's this video on You Tube entitled "Why There's Most Likely No God"  uploaded 3 years ago by a You Tube Channel called "Science Plus". The video aims to give reasons why God's existence might be unlikely.... in the perspective of science, of all things! I hold on to the view that Natural Theology must be grounded in the Philosophy of Nature, not Natural Science , for arguments for God's existence through science tend to be God-of-the-gaps arguments (and I HATE God-of-the-gaps arguments!), and, if ever they're correct, do not point to the classical theism's view of the Divine. I, then, responded to the video via the comments section, stating that we cannot use science in talking about God and the supernatural, because primarily, the question "does God exist?" isn't even a scientific question at all. Immediately, a person with a username " asrgaqgq sdfgsdgsdfgsdg " (his  anti-theistic claims  is as gibberish as hi...

BREAKING: Pope Francis accepts Cardinal Wuerl's resignation as Archbishop of Washington

The episcopal throne in Washington is officially vacant. The Holy Father Francis has officially accepted the resignation of Cardinal Donald Wuerl as the Archbishop of Washington. Although he will still act in an administrative role in the Archdiocese, legally, he's no longer the head of the local church of Washington ( Here and Here .) 3 hours before I write this post, Wuerl already tweeted on the matter . -Matthew Luis Antero

Dr. Feser on Natural Law and Sexual Ethics

Many people today talk about sex much, but they do not THINK about sex much.... I mean, c'mon.... who really sat on his couch, smoked his pipe, and started to philosophize about the metaphysics and teleology of sex, and started to ask, "What is Sex? What is it for?" Dr. Edward Feser just does that.

Why Is God traditionally referred to with Male Pronouns?

A good response to the question "Is God male?", "Is God a woman?" in a classical philosophical viewpoint is this: From the viewpoint of classical theism, or the traditional conception of God in a lot of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish thinkers (Aquinas, Maimonedes, and Avicenna to name a few),God is immutable, or unchangeable, immaterial, or incorporeal, eternal, or infinite, and purely actual. Considering this divine attributes, it would be very misleading to call God a "woman" or "she". Here's why. An analogy from procreation would be helpful: In procreation, the role of the male is active insofar as he's the one impregnating. The role of the female, on the other hand, is passive insofar as she's the one being impregnated. After procreation, there is nothing in the male's physique that would apparently change due to procreation, only the woman will have changes in her physique (say, the stomach getting bigger). Now, whe...

Mary and the Clergy: God in her Womb, God in his hands

Saint Maximilian Kolbe once said, “Let us remember that love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving. Without sacrifice, there is no love.” I can never find a quote better but as short as Saint Maximilian’s as stated above that can perfectly fit the connection between Mary and the Ministerial priesthood . The primary similarity between the roles of Mary and the clergy in the salvific order is sacrifice: to give up oneself and to bring the incarnated Word of God into the world.             Just as the second Person of the Blessed Trinity was incarnated, “descended”, from the heavens to be conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be offered as the once for all sacrifice to God for our salvation, Christ, once more, like the incarnation, substantially descends to the bread and wine at the consecration at Mass for our salvation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived Christ, the Living Bread of lif...

Sexual Judases: Exposing the Homosexual Predation among U.S Catholic clerics.

            “These men are abusing their sacred office like Judas did, and they are doing it for their own advantage. Judas did it for money; these guys are doing it for sex.” Those words, spoken with disappointment and anger, were said by prominent Catholic journalist, Michael Voris, during an interview with conservative talk radio host, Pat Campbell, about the latest, and one of the biggest scandals that has shook the Church to its core: the homosexual abuses in the Catholic Church in America.             This was considered a “faith-shaker” by many Catholics that were duty bound to be obedient to their shepherds, knowing that their shepherds are the ones who act like wolves. In talking about this issue, the disgraced former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick comes to mind primarily. One former seminarian from the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey testified, just last July, that after entering the s...