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A Man Motivated By Love

Image by  Francesco Nigro  from  Pixabay First, a word about the 1988 movie The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey.  In the said movie, the main character, Truman Burbank (played by Carrey) lived in the biggest studio ever, which he thought was the real world, since he was the baby. Basically, everything around him is fake. He would interact with other people in his "island" not knowing they were simply paid actors. In short, he is living a life ruled by deception.  But there was a moment in his life where he met a woman named "Lauren" (whose real name is Sylvia), and fell in love with her. Lauren was also the first person in the whole show to tell Truman that he was living a lie, because in reality, she is a member of the "Free Truman" movement. Unfortunately, so that Truman would not know the truth, "Lauren" was taken off the show. To make the long story short, she became the motivating factor for Truman to leave his Island, a voyage which would u...
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Wanna Make Things Right? Stop Prioritizing Justice

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The Bible, Teresa of Avila, and.. TWICE?

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Squid Game and Catholic Social Teaching

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Dear Demi

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On the Eucharist: An Open Letter to Shawn Willson

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