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Showing posts from November, 2021

Squid Game and Catholic Social Teaching

  Note: This blogpost originally was written as a Facebook post in my page last October 22, Matthew's Intellectual Mosh Pit  here  . Have you ever felt before that, as you are searching into something, God is there helping you by revealing things about that thing EXPLICITLY? That's how I feel as I study Catholic Social Teaching (CST) now. It's so silly, I've been diving deep into CST for the past 3 weeks, specifically on the Church and its relationship to economic systems, and then videos like this show up. I'm convinced that God is indeed at work and is watching over me as I study the said subject matter.      First, a few days ago, I was doing something (I don't remember exactly) and then realize that an episode of a Filipino hit show, Pepito Manaloto, was playing on our TV. Specifically, it was the episode where Mimi (the character played by Nova Villa), after being elected as the home owner’s president (?), decided to let the security guards of...

Dear Demi

Demi Lovato has released her own brand of vibrator called the “Demi Wand.” The Rolling Stone reports that Lovato has decided to have her own brand to “ (normalize) sexual needs :”  “We have spent far too long pretending we are not sexual beings  …  We are all deserving of orgasms.” [1] I would like to respond to this. And I thought I would be great to do this by writing an open letter to the pop star.   Dear Demi Lovato, I believe there was never a time in history when society never thought of humans as "sexual beings" or people gifted by God with sexual faculties. Even the Bible itself bears witness to this fact. As Dr. Peter Kreeft I believe has said, "When God said 'be fruitful and multiply', I don't think He meant 'grow pineapples and invent calculators.'" The only difference between the Biblical vision of sex and your vision is that for you, our sexual faculties are merely tools for one's own pleasures while for the Bible (and ...