Saint Thomas Aquinas, My Beloved Professor in Heaven: The four most important lessons I learned from the Angelic Doctor
It’s been three years since I first discovered and seriously personally studied the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and I can happily say that I am far from really scratching the surface. The Angelic Doctor has this awe-inspiring gift of deep insight when it comes to philosophical and theological truths; this great awareness of both the metaphysics of the cosmos and the infinite divine power and love that moves the planets, of both what things are in themselves and He Who Is, of the words that come from the wisdom of antiquity and the Word that breathes forth Love, Who is the Logos of God through Which the Father expresses His design in creation and through Which the Father recreates us in redemption. In short, Aquinas’s thought is this one, big, wholesome vision of God, our First Cause and Last End, and His mysterious and astonishing relationship with the universe that one cannot really claim to be an “expert” when it co...