Just finished reading The last superstition by Edward Feser, yesterday. Boy! It was a fun (and a bit technical and complicated, but t'was worth it) ride!!! I would say that this is the best book on atheism on a Scholastic perspective I've read so far (I'm currently reading Feser's other book on Aquinas entitled, well, "Aquinas", so let's see). This book also opened in me (or actualized my potential, ha!) an interest in the field of Philosophy of Mind. I would reco mmend this book to anyone who wants to know not only the truth about the new atheism, built on the mechanistic-cum-materialistic view of the early modern philosophers, but also the truth about classical philosophy, the foundation of traditional western religious belief which, as Feser argues, the New Atheists have no idea about (and apparently admins of Atheism in the Philippines as well are ignorant of, but I digress). And unlike the other books on Theistic apologetics against the New Athei...